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World Mental Health Day

General News, Service User

World Mental Health Day, on Monday 10 October, is marked to raise awareness about suicide prevention and attempts. The World Health Organisation (WHO), International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) host events on the day to raise awareness about the social stigmas that can lead to suicide and suicidal behaviours

This years theme is ‘Making Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority’.

To mark this day, ‘For Men To Talk’ attendees would like to tell you how the group meetings have helped them.

Benjamin Lloyd, aged 33

After my son Rory was stillborn on 14 July 2022, I was so happy to find a group that I could attend where a bunch of men could listen, understand and provide support through this truly difficult time for me. I was able to share my story and how I was feeling, which has been a great help to my mental health.

Mel Cox, aged 64

Being part of ‘For Men To Talk’ is very reassuring for me. The fact that you can voice your troubles and feelings without any judgement. To be you when sometimes it is very difficult out there.

Julian Treves-Brown, aged 53

Being part of ‘For Men To Talk’ is knowing that I am not alone and that I am with a group of guys that never judge me. Before joining, I lacked confidence as I was being judged from being disabled and I felt different. Now I feel that I get treated the same as any other person and I can be myself.

Phil Pratt, aged 40

‘For Men To Talk’ means being part of a group of likeminded and understanding gentlemen, who are there to support each other. 

Luke Newman’s hosting skills are exemplary and pull the whole thing together. My life is much richer and my mental health is much more stable for being an active part of this group. Keep talking!!!

Steve Whitney, aged 56

‘For Men To Talk’ brings a huge release. Everyone understands everyone else and we all give each other huge strength.

Nick Stewart, aged 36

‘For Men To Talk’ has an amazing positive influence on many aspects of my life, notably through the camaraderie among group members.  All just by talking. So simple, yet so effective.

Tommy Prior, aged 31

When I was first told about ‘For Men To Talk’ by my Mum, I almost snarled at her for even mentioning it. To be honest, I couldn’t of thought of anything worse than to tell a group of men that my ex-girlfriend had left me for her Step-Father. I was also left with three children, under the age 5. She left with my Step-Children, who I’d raised since they were 2 months and 1 year old respectively.

I came to my first meeting and felt so safe and comfortable to tell everyone my story. I have never felt so welcomed. Having everyone in the group meetings and the WhatsApp group has been great for me and Luke Newman, the founder of the group, deserves all the accolades.

Whether it would be coming to ‘For Men To Talk… and Walk’ or to the physical or virtual meetings, I believe that all the men are amazing and deserve a massive pat on the back for talking. I’m even praising myself. I can finally say that because of ‘For Men To Talk’. I’ve always gone with the old British ‘stiff upper lip’ but you know what I’ve finally realised that it’s actually ok and I’m not the only man suffering. I am able to speak so openly to a group who care and it means the world to me. I feel that it has also encouraged me to want to do more for others.

Les Collins, aged 73

I had loads of problems from my younger years what were stressful and I wouldn’t tell anyone as they were hidden in my mind, which I then carried into adult life. They made me unhappy and suicidal at times. Then in 2018 my son took his own life that was very traumatic. All this made it hard to trust anyone, so I developed social anxiety that made it difficult to make friends. ‘For Men To Talk’ has made it possible to leave the past behind and look forward to the present and future, but will not forget my son.

Kris Rivers, aged 36

‘For Men to Talk’ has helped me get through some very challenging times by creating a safe area where you can say as much or as little as you want without any judgment or pressure. For the first time in a long time I felt heard and supported by people I’ve never met before.

Tony Neil, aged 44

‘For Men to Talk’ has helped me through a very dark period of my life. I was apprehensive about joining at first, but everyone has been so supportive, non-judgmental and kind. It’s good to share, offload and be part of a group that helps mens mental health. I’m definitely in a better place because of ‘For Men to Talk’.

Ian Payne, aged 46

The theme World Mental Health day this year is ‘end the stigma’

‘For Men to Talk’ facilitates that. It provides a safe space for men to talk openly, without prejudice, without judgement. Men listen with compassion and empathy.

Mental health must be included in a normal conversation. By having the chance, the space, to talk freely and openly is the only way we can all end the stigma.’For Men to Talk’ was what I needed at my darkest time, without the support I got I would not be where I am today.

Jean-Luc Benazet, aged 52

For me, with mental health being talked about so much on TV and social media in general, it felt there never was a place in real life where I could find that space to let go and speak about the things that are bothering me. 

Even when opening up to some of my closest friends about my problems, they would dismiss them and tell me to get a grip. 

At the ‘For Men to Talk’ meetings, you can listen and reflect or talk and be listened to. But nobody judges and tells you to get a grip. It’s a inclusive community of men from different horizons and it’s a good place to be in.