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When do you meet?

Every Tuesday at 6pm group meetings run for approximately 2 hours. There is also a walking meeting on the second Sunday of every month, starting at 9.15am.

No, we are peer led group. However, some hosts may have attended workshops.


Who are the meetings designed for?

Any man who simply want to talk about how they are feeling. There is no requirement to have a mental health diagnosis. Men attend our meetings are for many reasons, all are welcome.


How do I become a ‘For Men To Talk’ facilitator?

‘For Men To Talk’ would like to launch in other villages, towns or cities throughout the country. Click here for further details.


How many meetings do you have and when?

Our meeting are currently held in:

Biggleswade, Bedfordshire.

Sandy, Bedfordshire

St.Neots, Cambridgeshire

Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire.

Please click the link here on the dates.


Are the meetings free to attend?

Yes, there are no costs involved in attending ‘For Men To Talk’. However refreshments are available to be purchased at the venues.

Do I have to register?

No, there is no registration or booking involved with attending ‘For Men To Talk’ meetings. We do recommend checking the Facebook page to check for any cancellation or venue change.

Are women allowed to attend the group meetings?

‘For Men To Talk’ meetings are only available for those individuals who identify as a man.

Click here for the full ‘For Men To Talk’ Policy and Guidelines to Transgender People

Are the meetings confidential? 

Our meetings are confidential. However, as a duty of care, if an attendee is deemed to be of harm to them or potentially others, then, emergency services will be notified.


Do you keep attendance records?

‘For Men To Talk’ do not record individual names of those who attended, however the group number of actual attendees are recorded.


What is the minimum age to attend?

Any man over the age of 18 is able to attend our meetings.


Is there a ‘For Men To Talk’ code of conduct?

As a mens peer support group, ‘For Men To Talk’ have a code of conduct to abide to. All attendees to a physical, virtual or walking meeting must agree to the guidelines stated here


How can I support ‘For Men To Talk’ financially?

You can donate to ‘For Men To Talk’ by clicking here. We also accept donations via bank transfer and cheques. For more details email

Is support available at anytime?

As ‘For Men To Talk’ is a peer support group, if you are in need of urgent support, please call Samaritans on 116 123 or the NHS, on 111, option 2. Click here for further support numbers.