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‘For Men To Talk’ founder home from ninth humanitarian trip to one of the poorest suburbs of Nakuru, Kenya

General News, Kenya, News & Events

Luke Newman, founder of the men’s peer support group ‘For Men To Talk,’ has recently returned from his ninth humanitarian trip to one of the poorest suburbs of Nakuru, Kenya. This year’s efforts, marking his third visit to West End Academy, have been particularly impactful as Luke and his team engaged in a variety of activities aimed at improving the lives of the local children and their families.

During this trip, Luke witnessed firsthand the dangers faced by the children, including a young child who had suffered a severe burn caused by an open fire. Such incidents highlight the critical need for safer living conditions and education on fire safety.

In the midst of these challenges, there were moments of joy and connection. One of the highlights of Luke’s visit was blowing bubbles with the very excited children, their laughter and excitement a testament to the simple pleasures that can bring happiness even in difficult circumstances.

Luke also engaged the children in educational activities, teaching them how to play cricket, which was met with enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. Additionally, he carried out sieving demonstrations, using a net to show how stones and sand can be separated, a useful skill for various practical purposes.

The streets of Nakuru revealed a greater number of animals roaming freely, including cows, pigs, goats, dogs, and chickens, all scavenging for food. This scene underscores the ongoing issues of food security and animal management in the area.

A heartwarming moment during the trip was distributing red noses, generously provided by Sainsbury’s a few years ago. Luke still had hundreds left, and the smiles and laughter from the children when they put them on were truly infectious.

Practical improvements were also a focus, with Luke and his fellow volunteers building shelving for books and stationery, painting both the ground and upstairs classrooms, and mixing cement for plastering the outside wall of the upstairs classroom.

Luke’s efforts extended beyond the school grounds. He visited Beatrice, who runs a local fruit stall, and purchased 60 bananas for just £4. Additionally, he donated approximately 70 jelly shoes and offered Beatrice 2000 Kenyan Shillings (approximately £13) to help her maintain her stall for a month, providing a small but significant boost to her family’s income.

One of the trip’s most poignant moments was Donation Day, a very happy yet emotional occasion where volunteers distributed clothing, pants, socks, trousers, shirts, dresses, and more to those in need.

Luke also had the pleasure of reuniting with ex-students he met over ten years ago, many of whom now have children of their own. Together, they reminisced through stories and old photographs, celebrating the enduring bonds formed over the years.

A visit to their old school, St. Trizah’s School, revealed remarkable progress since their departure in 2017. The once dusty playground is now lush with grass, and new trees and crops are thriving, providing food for the children and income for the school from nearby residents.

Luke helped serve porridge to the children, a nutritious blend of maize, soya, sorghum, and sugar fortified with minerals and vitamins, ensuring they received a hearty meal.

The trip was filled with music and joy, including singing songs like the symbolic ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley, lifting spirits and fostering a sense of hope and community.

Luke Newman’s dedication to making a difference in Nakuru, Kenya, and his humanitarian efforts remind us all of the power of compassion and the impact one individual can make in the lives of many.

For the full blog on Luke’s 2024 trip, please visit: 

Luke will be returning in 2025 and needs to raise over £2500. If you would like to donate, please visit

If you are interested in coming on the humanitarian trip to one of the poorest suburbs of Nakuru, Kenya in 2015, please visit: