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‘For Men To Talk’ expands to Stockport

General News, Meetings, Stockport

Having originally launched meetings in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire, ‘For Men To Talk’ are looking to launch in other villages, towns or cities throughout the country.

The group is giving men who are suffering with anxiety, depression and grief a chance to talk with other fellow sufferers.

Today, we are proud to announce that ‘For Men To Talk’ will be launching in Stockport at ‘The Produce Hall’ in April 2023.

Local Stockport man, Johnny Hurst, will be the first facilitator to take the group to the North West of England.”I own a Mental Health Awareness Clothing brand and have volunteered to facilitate this group on behalf of ‘For Men To Talk’ as I have my own mental health journey,” said Johnny. “I want to help as many people as I can stay on a path to positive mental health and happiness.”

Through its 160+ year life, ‘The Produce Hall’ have tried to maintain as many original features in the building as possible whilst instating all of the 21st century amenities expected in a modern food hall experience. It is ideal space and a safe and comfortable environment for men to discuss their mental health.

“I am absolutely delighted that Johnny reached out to launch ‘For Men To Talk – Stockport’,” said founder Luke Newman. “Having personally launched the group in four towns, it’s now time to allow others to take the brand name and business model up and down the country.”

“It is important to note that having personal experience with mental health issues is not necessarily a requirement for being a peer support facilitator,” continued Luke. “Many peer support facilitators have lived experience with a certain condition or issue, but not all do. What is most important is that a peer support facilitator is able to understand, empathise and provide effective support to others.

The exact date and time for the first ‘For Men To Talk’ group in Stockport will be announced shortly.

If you are interested in becoming a ‘For Men To Talk’ facilitator or would like further information, please contact Luke Newman, the ‘For Men To Talk’ founder and director, on 07709 446480 or or click here for the full details.