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‘For Men To Talk’ honoured to be in attendance at the second ‘Chinfest’

General News, News & Events, The Mental Health Moles

‘For Men To Talk’ were truly honoured to be in attendance at the second ‘Chinfest’ held at Stewart and Lloyds Football Ground in Corby on Saturday 8 July 2023, representing the requirement of a male only group in the area.

The event was held in memory of Tracey ‘Chin’ Chinnock who sadly lost her battle with mental health in 2021. The event raises awareness and money for the mental health support available in the area.

‘Chinfest’ held a stage with bands and solo artists performing all day, as well as a kids tent (with their own line up) and food trucks and bars for refreshments.

“If you knew Tracey or Chin, then we imagine you were as shocked as we were when you found out that she felt she could no longer live with how she was feeling”, said a spokesperson. “If you didn’t know her, then you really did miss out, she truly was one of a kind. She was a girl full of character, full of life and full of fun, and wow is she missed.”

The family and friends of Tracey are driven by sadness, by anger, by passion, but more importantly that are being driven by hope. ‘Chinfest’ wants to support those people who are struggling and those around them. The hope is that the event can help one person, a family or a group of friends. Where there is life, there is hope!

“It’s vital to have spaces where men can come together, share their experiences and provide support to one another. I was privileged to promote ‘For Men To Talk’ to the town”, said ‘For Men To Talk’ founder Luke Newman. “Our virtual meeting meetings are always available to the men of Corby but we would also like to attract new facilitators to take its concept to other villages, towns or cities throughout the country. Perhaps Corby could be the next destination?”

“More importantly I was able to interact with the attendees and offer support to them”, concluded Luke. “It’s paramount for men to know that ‘For Men To Talk’ is available today, tomorrow and the future, should they need to talk”.

On sale was ‘The Mental Health Moles’. A book designed and written by Luke which sees the moles have 52 discussions, filled with advice about mental health topics, such as anxiety, depression, grief, social media, stress, sleep and many more. They are accompanied with brightly coloured and boldly drawn illustrations.

‘For Men To Talk’ were accompanied by ‘Mind’, ‘Youth Works’ and ‘We Mind & Kelly Matters’ in the centre circle of the football pitch as a mental health hub for attendees to visit.

‘We Mind & Kelly Matters’ was formed in 2019 after the devastating loss of a beautiful daughter, sister and friend Kelly Francesca Hewitt.