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‘For Men To Talk’ founder undertakes youth mental health first aid qualification

General News, News & Events, Qualification

Youth mental health is a critical concern that demands our attention and support. Far too often, young individuals face challenges with their mental well-being, and it is essential to equip them with the necessary tools to navigate these struggles. Luke Newman, the founder of ‘For Men To Talk’ men’s peer support initiative, recognises the significance of addressing youth mental health issues proactively. 

In his commitment to fostering a safe and supportive environment for young people, Luke recently undertook the Youth Mental Health First Aid qualification. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of Luke’s decision and how it can positively impact the lives of both men and young individuals.

Understanding Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid is an internationally recognised program designed to train individuals in identifying, understanding, and responding to mental health challenges in young people aged between 12 and 18. The course covers various mental health disorders and crisis situations, providing participants with the skills and knowledge to offer initial support and help direct individuals to appropriate professional assistance.

Why Youth Mental Health Support Matters

  • Early Intervention: Young people experiencing mental health difficulties often suffer in silence, afraid to seek help due to stigma and misconceptions surrounding mental health. By offering support and understanding at an early stage, we can prevent these issues from escalating and provide timely assistance.
  • Reducing Stigma: Society has long perpetuated the notion that discussing mental health is a sign of weakness, particularly among men. By promoting open conversations and understanding within ‘For Men To Talk,’ Luke aims to break down these barriers and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health struggles.
  • Empowering Young Individuals: By educating himself through the Youth Mental Health First Aid qualification, Luke is better equipped to empower young individuals and provide them with a safe space to express their emotions and feelings without judgment.
  • Creating a Supportive Network: Luke’s commitment to youth mental health is another step towards creating a broader support network for young people. When they witness adults like Luke engaging in discussions about mental health, it helps normalize the conversation and encourages others to seek help when needed.

The Impact on ‘For Men To Talk’

Luke’s decision to undertake the Youth Mental Health First Aid qualification has far-reaching implications for ‘For Men To Talk’ as well. By integrating youth mental health awareness into the initiative’s core values, it demonstrates a holistic approach to men’s well-being, acknowledging the interconnectedness between generations. Men who participate in the program will gain insights into the unique challenges faced by young individuals and learn how they can become allies in their mental health journey.

Luke’s expanded knowledge and understanding of youth mental health means ‘For Men To Talk’ can develop specific support strategies targeted towards older children, moving into manhood. 


Luke Newman’s decision to undertake the Youth Mental Health First Aid qualification is a significant step towards building a more empathetic and supportive society. By equipping himself with the necessary skills, Luke aims to bridge the gap between men and young individuals when it comes to mental health discussions. His dedication to ‘For Men To Talk’ and youth mental health highlights the importance of breaking down barriers and creating an inclusive environment for everyone to thrive.

As more individuals like Luke take similar initiatives, we move closer to a future where mental health is treated with the same importance as physical health and young people can find the support they need to flourish in every aspect of their lives. Let us all join hands in supporting initiatives like ‘For Men To Talk’ and make a positive impact on youth mental health.