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Men’s Football Euro 2024 starts today: How football and supporting England benefits men’s mental health

General News, News & Events, Sport

By Luke Newman, Founder of ‘For Men To Talk’

Today marks the beginning of Men’s Football Euro 2024, a long-awaited event that will have fans across Europe glued to their screens for the next month. As the founder of ‘For Men To Talk’, a men’s peer support group, I understand the profound impact that football, and particularly supporting England, can have on men’s mental health. This tournament is not just a spectacle of sport; it’s a powerful catalyst for mental well-being.

Building Connections Through Shared Passion

One of the most significant benefits of watching the Euro 2024 is the sense of community it fosters. Football is a universal language that transcends barriers and brings people together. When men gather to watch England play, whether in pubs, living rooms, or fan zones, they are not just watching a game; they are part of a larger collective experience. This shared passion can be incredibly therapeutic. It provides a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of isolation, which are common contributors to poor mental health.

The Power of Emotional Expression

Football is an emotional rollercoaster, and supporting a team like England can bring out a range of feelings—from elation to frustration. For many men, society often discourages the open expression of emotions. However, football offers a socially acceptable outlet for these feelings. Cheering for goals, venting frustrations at missed opportunities, and even shedding tears of joy or disappointment can all be cathartic experiences. This emotional release is essential for maintaining mental health and preventing the buildup of stress.

Creating Positive Distractions

Life’s challenges can sometimes feel overwhelming, and it’s crucial to have positive distractions. Watching the Euro 2024 can provide a much-needed break from daily stresses and anxieties. It offers a structured and engaging activity that allows men to focus their minds on something enjoyable and uplifting. This temporary escape can help in resetting the mind and improving overall mental resilience.

Fostering a Sense of Pride and Identity

Supporting the national team can instill a sense of pride and identity. Wearing the England jersey, singing the national anthem, and celebrating the nation’s achievements on the international stage can boost self-esteem and create a sense of purpose. This collective pride not only enhances personal well-being but also strengthens community bonds.

Encouraging Physical Activity

Football’s influence extends beyond just watching the game. It often inspires fans to get active themselves. Whether it’s a kickabout in the park, joining a local five-a-side team, or simply being more physically active, the motivation derived from watching professional athletes can lead to healthier lifestyles. Physical activity is closely linked to mental health, as it releases endorphins and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Creating Conversation Starters

Finally, football serves as an excellent conversation starter. Discussing matches, debating tactics, and sharing predictions can initiate and sustain meaningful social interactions. For many men, these conversations can lead to deeper discussions about life, struggles, and mental health. The common ground provided by football can make it easier to open up and seek support.


As we embark on this exciting journey of Men’s Football Euro 2024, let’s remember the profound impact that football can have on mental health. Supporting England is not just about cheering for a team; it’s about building connections, expressing emotions, finding positive distractions, fostering pride, encouraging physical activity, and creating opportunities for meaningful conversations. Let’s enjoy the tournament and harness the power of football to support our mental well-being.