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What was achieved in this year’s humanitarian trip in Kenya by ‘For Men To Talk’ founder and volunteers?

General News, Kenya, News & Events

In the heart of Nakuru, Kenya, a beacon of hope and transformation shines brightly, thanks to the relentless efforts of volunteers from Derby County Community Trust, through African Adventures. This included Luke Newman, the founder of For Men To Talk, a men’s peer support group, has just completed his ninth humanitarian trip to this vibrant community. His recent trip, characterised by tireless work and an unwavering commitment to making a difference, stands as a testament to the power of volunteerism.

Luke’s visit to Nakuru was marked by an impressive presentation at Derby County Football Club’s Pride Park Stadium to over 180 people, where he showcased the significant work completed through the collaboration of dedicated volunteers at West End Academy. The audience was captivated by the video presentation, which illustrated the tangible changes brought about by their collective efforts.

One of the standout achievements of this trip was the completion of a double-story classroom. This monumental project began three trips ago and saw its culmination with the plastering of both the inside and outside of two classrooms. The team then painted the classrooms and windows, breathing new life into the learning environment.

In addition to constructing and beautifying the classrooms, the volunteers also focused on creating a nurturing educational space. They purchased, assembled, painted, and mounted 21 bookshelves, significantly enhancing the school’s library. This was further enriched with donated books from Eskdale Junior School and bookshelves bought by Ashbrook Junior School. The new library is now a hub of learning and exploration for the children.

The volunteers ensured that every child received new school clothing and shoes, alongside casual clothing and footwear. These gifts were not merely about provision but also about dignity and self-worth. The team also fixed broken guttering, ensuring a reliable water supply for the school, and provided fresh fruit daily, promoting better nutrition among the students.

Sports and play were not neglected either. The team replaced and painted the football goal, a centrepiece for the children’s recreation, and placed and painted tires for safe play areas. Additionally, they donated LED lights in 23 homes, offering families two hours of light each day, a small yet significant step towards better living conditions.

Education was a primary focus during this trip. Volunteers donated two new surface pads and conducted training sessions on word processing software for both pupils and teachers. They read stories to classes, supported teachers with marking, and engaged students in creative projects such as watercolour painting. The pupils also learned to write booklets about themselves, fostering self-expression and literacy.

The connections extended beyond the physical presence in Nakuru. Video calls with UK schools allowed for cultural exchange and the production of a dual video of “A Million Dreams,” showcasing the collaborative spirit between the children of Nakuru and their peers in the UK.

In a particularly touching act of kindness, two volunteers paid for a child’s leg cast to be removed, assessed, and re-plastered, ensuring he would soon be able to walk freely again.

Luke Newman’s humanitarian trips are a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when people come together with a shared purpose. The tangible improvements in Nakuru—from educational facilities to everyday living conditions—underscore the profound impact of volunteerism. Each trip, each effort, and each act of kindness builds a bridge of hope, transforming lives and inspiring communities both near and far.

For the full blog on Luke’s 2024 trip, please visit: 

Luke will be returning in 2025 and needs to raise over £2500. If you would like to donate, please visit

If you are interested in coming on the humanitarian trip to one of the poorest suburbs of Nakuru, Kenya in 2025, please visit: