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Rekindling good times: How an Enigma reunion night boosted my mental health

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Last Saturday night, I took a trip back in time. And I mean that quite literally! Music has always been a huge part of my life, particularly dance music, which has a special place in my heart. This all started when I began regularly attending Enigma nightclub in Bedford, a place that became an iconic part of the town’s nightlife scene. Fast forward 22 years, and I found myself walking into Esquires for the Enigma’s GoodTimes reunion. It was an opportunity to relive my youth for a few hours, and boy, did it do wonders for my mental health.

Back in the day, Enigma was the place to be. It was Bedfordshire’s biggest nightclub, a colossal venue with a capacity of 2,500, located just a short walk from the town centre. For many of us, it was more than just a place to dance; it was where memories were made, friendships were solidified, and, in my case, where my love for dance music blossomed. It was the heartbeat of the town’s nightlife, and for a long time, it was where I found community and connection. But like many of the best things in life, Enigma closed its doors over 20 years ago, and for years, it felt like a chapter of my life was closed with it.

However, when I heard about the GoodTimes reunion at Esquires, I couldn’t resist the pull of nostalgia. I was excited but also a little apprehensive. Was I too old for this? Would it still feel the same? As the founder of “For Men To Talk,” a peer support group for men struggling with their mental health, I know all too well how important it is to step out of your comfort zone, even when it feels daunting. And this reunion was exactly that, a step into the past, into a world I had long left behind.

As soon as I walked through the doors of Esquires, I felt a rush of emotions; joy, excitement, and even a little sadness for the times that had passed. But as I opened the doors to where the music was playing, all my doubts faded away. The energy was palpable, the atmosphere electric. It was just like old times. Surrounded by old friends, familiar faces, and those unmistakable beats, I felt more alive than I had in a long time. It hit me how much I had missed that sense of connection, that freedom of dancing with no inhibitions.

Music has always had a profound impact on my mental health. There’s something about the rhythm, the beats, and the energy of dance music that lifts my spirits and clears my mind. And on that Saturday night, it was no different. It was a reminder of the power of music to bring people together, to create a sense of unity and belonging. It was also a reminder that, despite the passage of time, there are still parts of our past that we can revisit, moments of joy and connection that can be reignited.

That night wasn’t just about reliving the past; it was about recharging my mental batteries. The stress and worries of everyday life melted away, replaced by pure enjoyment. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded by the pressures of modern life, finding moments like this, where you can let go and simply be, is crucial for mental well-being.

I’m showing my age now by saying, “they don’t make tunes like that anymore,” but it’s true. The music of Enigma was special, and so was the community it created. That reunion reminded me that sometimes, to move forward, we have to revisit what made us feel alive in the first place. For me, it was a night of celebration, a night of healing, and a night that reminded me of the power of music, connection, and nostalgia in improving our mental health.

If you’re reading this and feeling weighed down by life’s pressures, my advice is simple: find your own version of the Enigma reunion. Whether it’s music, sports, or catching up with old friends, don’t underestimate the power of revisiting those things that once brought you joy.