10 ways a man can be manipulated

Manipulation can happen to anyone. It can be hard to see, especially when it comes from someone you trust. Men can be manipulated in different ways, affecting their mental health, confidence, and relationships. Below are ten ways men can be manipulated and how to recognise them.
1. Guilt-Tripping
Someone makes a man feel guilty for things he didn’t do or for saying no. They might say, “If you loved me, you would do this for me.” This plays on emotions and forces him to act out of guilt.
2. Silent Treatment
Instead of talking about problems, the manipulator ignores or avoids the man. This makes him feel responsible and forces him to apologise, even when he did nothing wrong.
3. Gaslighting
The manipulator makes the man doubt himself by saying things like, “You’re imagining things” or “That never happened.” Over time, he may start to question his own memory and judgment.
4. Playing the Victim
The manipulator always acts like they are the victim, no matter the situation. They blame others and avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.
5. Withholding Love or Affection
Love and kindness are used as rewards. If the man does what they want, he gets love. If he doesn’t, he is ignored or treated coldly. This makes him feel like he has to earn love.
6. Threats
Some manipulators use threats to control men. They might say things like, “If you leave me, I’ll hurt myself.” This creates fear and makes it hard to leave an unhealthy situation.
7. Isolation
The manipulator slowly distances the man from his friends and family. They might say, “They don’t really care about you” or create drama to keep him away from loved ones.
8. Constant Criticism
Negative comments make a man feel like he’s never good enough. Over time, this lowers his self-esteem and makes him rely more on the manipulator for approval.
9. Financial Control
The manipulator controls the money, making it hard for the man to make decisions. They might take his money, control spending, or make him feel guilty for wanting financial freedom.
10. False Promises
They make promises but never keep them. They say things like, “I’ll change” or “I’ll do better,” but their actions never match their words. This keeps the man hopeful but stuck.
Luke Newman, founder of ‘For Men To Talk,’ says:
“Manipulation can make a man feel trapped, alone, and powerless. Recognising the signs is the first step to breaking free and taking back control.”
If you notice these signs in your life, reach out for support. Talking to trusted friends, family, or a peer support group like ‘For Men To Talk’ can help. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.