28 May 2014

Today marked our first day at St.Trizah’s School in Nakuru. We are greeted by the hundreds of school children, all of an age range between 3 and 18, all high-fiving, giving cuddles and holding hands. At first I was apprehensive about what to do when the children approached me, this is a new experience for me, at home there are restrictions and limitations on what you can do. But in Kenya, they are so happy to see you, they want to feel wanted and loved. So, I cuddled them back, held there hands, gave them high fives, it’s what they want, seeing their huge smiles just from that gives you a warm feeling inside.
After a welcome speech by the headmistress and other senior people, we took a tour around the school, visiting the classrooms. Here they can have 30 children in a classroom which is no bigger than a standard bedroom at home. I helped with a maths and science class, asking them to give me answers and even marked results…with a smily face!
We were then the guest of honours for a show that the children put on. An hour an a half of dancing, singing and drama. All of which was executed beautifully. It was at this point that I met Eva. A beautiful girl that sat on my lap through the whole show. She put her arm round me and stayed there. I gave her my hat and glasses to wear, all of which made her look even cuter. After asking her questions, I found out that she lived at the school too. Her Mum and Dad has died and she had nowhere to live. St.Trizah’s has given her a home and school. My wife always wanted a daughter, I think I’ve found her!
Eva lives at the school in a room with 39 other girls with only 24 beds. The 20 boys only have 4 beds!
After meeting James, who has already decided that I’m his new best friend and John, who is an extremely talented artist, we played a game of football (made of elastic bands and shopping bags). I’m using the excuse that the altitude played a significant factor in how badly I played and how unfit I am!
We left at 2.45 to visit the new site of the school that they have just purchased. A 30 minute drive took us to the 5 acre plot. It’s huge! One classroom has already been built by Derby College, with further more required. The next stage is to ask for materials; wood, plumbing, electricity etc. Something that I will try and proceed in getting when I get home. The new site also have an amazing view of Lake Nakuru, it was just breathtaking.
We are just going to find out what the plans are for the next week or so, really looking forward to it.