4 June 2014

After arriving back at St.Trizah’s, my father and I blew up lots of balloons for the hundreds of cheering children. Some were made into animals, some not. I also purchased a bracelet from the school shop, the money goes straight back into the running of the school.
The children once again gave us a farewell presentation, with dancers, singers and poems. We sang our own rendition of ‘You Are My Sunshine’. I had a little girl and boy sit on my lap throughout, but never did get their names.
We then had a Derby County Community Trust versus Teachers and Students football game. We knew that the teachers were taking it seriously when they turned up with boots, shin pads and cycling shorts. After controversial decisions, some embarrassing shots and sore limbs, the game ended unbelievably 0-0. Then the dreaded penalties. However, on this occasion the English side won, 4-3. The celebrations were amazing, jumping up and down and singing, accompanied by the children.
The teachers and students then gave us final speeches about how much they had enjoyed us visiting and helping and how that their lives had changed because of it. That was the moment that the realisation that I was leaving hit me and I completely broke down. The rest of our team felt the same, even some of the teachers were genuinely upset.
Considering it was 6.30 by now and getting dark, all of the children remained behind to say goodbye. I saw James and gave him my trainers and football shirt. He embraced me so hard that I didn’t think he’d ever let go. Then after many, many tears with all of the other children, we said our goodbyes and left for a farewell meal.
The head of African Adventures and other representatives thanked us for our hard work over the last 10 days and looked forward to seeing us next year. Although I would love to come back and help more, a number of factors stand in my way. One thing does remain, I will do my best in the to help in any capacity whilst being back in the UK.
Tomorrow we will leave Nakuru and head to Nairobi to visit the Elephant and Giraffe sanctuaries. Seeing the Elephants is something that I have always wanted to do and they were also my Mums favourite animal, so I’m doing this for her too.