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‘For Men To Talk’ at Ivel Valley Locality Networking Event

‘For Men To Talk’ at Ivel Valley Locality Networking Event

On Friday, 28th February, ‘For Men To Talk’ attended the Ivel Valley (East Mid Beds) Locality Networking Event. The event took place in the Council Chambers at Priory House in Shefford, Bedfordshire. It was a chance for the public and professionals to learn about support services available in the local and wider area. Various organisations were present, including Carers in Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership, Impakt Housing...

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World Cancer Day: My story of loss and hope

By 'For Men To Talk' founder Luke Newman Today is World Cancer Day. For me, this day is personal. Cancer has taken two important people in my life—my mum and my sister. I lost my mum to ovarian cancer in May 2005. That was nearly 20 years ago. I lost my sister to...

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