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Unmasking the silent struggle: Men and performance anxiety
Performance anxiety is a common yet often undiscussed issue that affects men across various facets of their lives. From the workplace to personal relationships and social situations, the pressure to perform can lead to significant stress and negative outcomes if left unaddressed. In this blog, we'll explore the different dimensions of performance anxiety in men's lives and discuss potential strategies for managing and overcoming these...
Understanding UK Terror Threat Levels and their impact on men’s mental health
The UK terror threat level system is a tool used to inform the public about the likelihood of a terrorist attack. These levels are set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre and help guide security measures. They range from Low, where an attack is unlikely, to...
What does cuckooing mean and how can it affect men’s mental health?
Cuckooing is a term used to describe a situation where criminals take over someone’s home to use it for illegal activities, like drug dealing or storing stolen goods. The term comes from the cuckoo bird, which lays its eggs in other birds’ nests. Just like the cuckoo...
Understanding dissociation and its impact on men
Dissociation, a complex psychological phenomenon, remains widely misunderstood and stigmatised in society. This mental process, often described as a disconnection between thoughts, identity, consciousness, and memory, can manifest in various forms. Dissociative...